We all have heard of the age old saying, “ An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. While that is true, what if I told you there is another powerful tool that can keep doctors at a safe distance : Sudoku! After all, if you're too busy solving puzzles, you won't have time to get sick! So it looks like the new saying is : "A Sudoku a day keeps the doctor away!"
This delightful number puzzle is not just a fun pastime. But an armour against various health issues.
Let’s explore how Sudoku nurtures your mental health and promotes overall well-being.
Acts like a mental gymnasium
Physical exercises keep our body healthy and fit. Similarly, doing Sudoku is like a mental gymnasium that urges your brain to do a set of push ups! Your brain will grow biceps the more you practice sudoku! This is because it increases the blood flow to the brain. This strengthens neural connections and keeps the brain healthy. Hence, Sudoku practice is a great way to keep your brain fit and healthy.
Reduces stress
Stress is a silent enemy that causes several health problems like high blood pressure and insomnia. Stress can be caused by many factors like our busy lifestyle. Engaging in Sudoku offers an escape from this chaos. By focusing on the puzzle, you forget all your stress and are fully in the moment. It acts like a mindfulness tool here. The mental retreat significantly reduces stress. So if life has you feeling overwhelmed, just grab a Sudoku and Sudon't worry, be happy!
Improves cognitive fitness
Sudoku is a powerful ally in the fight against cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Studies have shown that Sudoku, a mentally stimulating game, delays the onset of such conditions by boosting brain activity, memory, and problem-solving skills.
Sudoku helps to create new neural pathways in the brain, which are essential for memory and problem-solving skills. That is, solving Sudoku puzzles can help to improve focus and concentration, as well as strengthen the connections between different parts of the brain. So, if you want to stay sharp, you gotta play Sudoku! It's the 'new' brain food!
Improves concentration
In today’s world, there is so much going on in our minds. Our train of thoughts keeps running and never stops. Sudoku can be a remedy for this. Solving it requires undivided attention, so it helps us train the brain to focus. This improved concentration can benefit other spheres of your life as well. So, if you solve Sudoku, you can become the master of your own mind!
Playing Sudoku is a win-win situation! Because when we nurture your mental health, you’re indirectly contributing to your physical well-being. Low stress levels, improved mood, enhanced cognitive abilities, all contribute to a healthier body. This is like a snowball effect - when you take small steps to improve one aspect of your life, the benefits ripple outward to affect many other areas in a positive way.
Strengthens mind-body connection
While Sudoku might not be a magical cure-it -all, it certainly plays a remarkable role in maintaining good health and keeping doctors at bay. An investment taking only a few minutes can benefit you for a lifetime. So, the next time you pick up a Sudoku puzzle, remember you are solving away your health problems too.
Here at Malsar, we have our very own Sudoku club and also conduct Sudoku championships. We believe that solving Sudoku is a puzzle that should be practiced by everyone given its numerous benefits. It is also a great way to relax and have fun. We invite everyone to join our club and learn more about the wonders of Sudoku.
Pick-up a Sudoku today and say hi to a doctor-free life!